Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Florida Family's Battle: 3 Children, 2 With Leukemia

This morning I opened up my Yahoo and came across this story. I cannot even imagine what this family is going through and my heart just breaks. I can only hope and pray that these munchkins beat cancer.

This family is from Jacksonville, FL which his where the Mrs. International pageant is taking place. This really hits home for me as my mission to help find cures through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is in every fabric of my being and is my sole purpose for competing for the coveted title of Mrs. International. It's to give a voice to those who are weak, scared and fighting for their lives. To help improve therapies and bring innovative therapies to patients.

I am praying for this family.

Jessica Cassidy
Mrs. Michigan International

Florida Family's Battle: 3 Children, 2 With Leukemia
Emma, left, was recently diagnosed with leukemia and her identical twin Ella, right, is now undergoing tests. (
Three small children two years apart present enough challenges for any parents, but throw leukemia into the mix and you have the truly daunting case of Lacey and Will Smith of Jacksonville, Fla. Just days before identical twins Emma and Ella were born 8 weeks early in 2013, their big brother Liam, now 5, was diagnosed. Still grieving the loss of the girls’ triplet sister, who passed in utero, per a page, Lacey and Will were suddenly caring for two premature babies and a toddler battling cancer. 
The challenge took everything they had, so much so that Lacey said her biggest fear is that Liam’s cancer would return when he was in remission. Now perhaps a worse scenario: not only has Emma, now 2, been diagnosed with leukemia, but Ella isn’t in the clear yet as she undergoes testing, reports WSB-TV
Drowning in medical bills, the family is asking for help—and as of this writing has passed $30,000 of their $100,000 goal to help cover expenses. Their page has been shared about 12,000 times, with commenters offering free photography sessions and help with errands. Lacey is posting updates on Facebook, and wrote last week that Emma is “doing great” on her third day of chemo, though she is “starting to feel the effects of the steroids; increased hunger, angry spurts and short temperament.” Her brother Liam, who is in remission but has a year of treatment ahead, is giving Emma all sorts of advice, including the best rooms to visit and how to score animal crackers. (Good news: One leukemia treatment has a stunning success rate.)
By Elizabeth Armstrong Moore