Thursday, October 9, 2014


Not long ago I was asked to take the Executive Challenge through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that is affiliated with the Light the Night Campaign. LLS gave me a goal of $5,000.00 in which I made my own personal goal of $50,000.00. The significance of the $50,000.00 benchmark is that if you raise $50,000.00 for LLS you are able to name a medical research grant on behalf of someone. My someone is my father-in-law who lost his battle almost 4 years ago to non Hodgkin lymphoma.  In addition, I am hoping to surprise my husband with the grant names after his father to continue his legacy.

With my personal goal and the LLS goal I was given I started to brainstorm who would definitely help me come closer to my goal. I've sent out a few e-mails and to my surprise, logging in today I saw that the goal that LLS gave was met by an anonymous donor. I personally know who donated the significant amount and almost fell off of my chair, while crying.

I'm trying to meet the BIG goal within the 10 days I have left until the LTN Ann Arbor Walk which takes place on the 18th of October.

I am truly moved by the significance of this gift and know that it will go to remarkable medical research. I am left speechless. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

All my love and gratitude,

Jessica L. Cassidy
Mrs. Michigan International 2015

Executive Challenge!

Being an avid supporter and advocate of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society I was all in when asked to be a part of the Executive Challenge for the upcoming Light the Night-Ann Arbor Campaign. The Executive Challenge is one given to professionals in the area to raise as much as they can for LLS before the annual walk. Though it was late in the game with only weeks to raise funds, I've taken the challenge.

I'd love to be able to raise $50,000.00 in just a few short weeks, but not sure if it is possible. Right now I am at $6,000 raised and hope to have more before the walk on October 18th. Whom ever raises the most in this short time will win the Executive Challenge.

Sure it would be nice to win the Executive Challenge but as far as I see it, I've already won!! I've met the LLS goal of $5,000.00 with one donation from a very generous group and know that there will be others along the way. I've won because we are all working to eradicate blood cancer. With every dollar raised that's another opportunity to help another family and another dollar toward life saving medications to make it to the consumer.

Feeling grateful in every way!

All my love,

Jessica L. Cassidy
Mrs. Michigan International 2015

LLS Meeting

Recently I was able to meet with Karynn Carrell-Senior Campaign Manager for LTN, Robbie Baker-Midwest Regional Campaign Director-LTN and Tami Duquette-Senior Campaign Director, Michigan Chapter from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to discuss upcoming events and additional ways that I can help the mission to fight blood cancer.

As I reflect back on our lunch I feel so fortunate to have their support as a volunteer and advocate but also through this journey I been blessed with as Mrs. Michigan International 2015.

When asked why my mission was so important to me I started to tear up. I haven't gotten choked up in years when speaking about why I am so passionate about LLS' mission. I realized something after that meeting. I was teary eyed because in that moment I realized how retched cancer is. What really hit home is even though I've raised about a million dollars in bequests and other funds for LLS I still felt helpless. I felt like not enough is being done to eradicate this disease. Most importantly, I realized I had started to forget pieces of my father-in-law.

It's amazing what sharing a story will bring. I am so grateful to LLS for reminding me of the things that made my father-in-law so special and continuing his legacy, for helping me heal but also giving me the opportunity to make a difference in the blood cancer community.

What an honor it was to break bread with a wonderful group of people and I look forward to our continued work together.

All my love,

Jessica L. Cassidy
Mrs. Michigan International 2015