Recently I was able to meet with Karynn Carrell-Senior Campaign Manager for LTN, Robbie Baker-Midwest Regional Campaign Director-LTN and Tami Duquette-Senior Campaign Director, Michigan Chapter from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to discuss upcoming events and additional ways that I can help the mission to fight blood cancer.
As I reflect back on our lunch I feel so fortunate to have their support as a volunteer and advocate but also through this journey I been blessed with as Mrs. Michigan International 2015.
When asked why my mission was so important to me I started to tear up. I haven't gotten choked up in years when speaking about why I am so passionate about LLS' mission. I realized something after that meeting. I was teary eyed because in that moment I realized how retched cancer is. What really hit home is even though I've raised about a million dollars in bequests and other funds for LLS I still felt helpless. I felt like not enough is being done to eradicate this disease. Most importantly, I realized I had started to forget pieces of my father-in-law.
It's amazing what sharing a story will bring. I am so grateful to LLS for reminding me of the things that made my father-in-law so special and continuing his legacy, for helping me heal but also giving me the opportunity to make a difference in the blood cancer community.
What an honor it was to break bread with a wonderful group of people and I look forward to our continued work together.
All my love,
Jessica L. Cassidy
Mrs. Michigan International 2015